1984 – Hydraulic Transfer Machines were designed and manufactured by Senior Mechanical Engineer Ali KESTEK, one of the partners of PORAŞ MEKANİK İŞLERİ A.Ş, for mass production of domestic oven gas taps. 1990 – Following the success of the hydraulic transfer machines produced, commercial production of transfer machines started. Production of Hydraulic Transfer Machines started under the name of AKT MAKİNE, established by Ali KESTEK in Istanbul Leather Organized Industrial Zone. 1995 – It was the first time that CNR TATEF EXHIBITION participated in the promotion of the produced transfer machines. 2000 – Fatih KESTEK was assigned in the company as a coordinator. 2001 – The first export was made to England. 2003 – The first CNC Transfer Machines with single and 2 axis units were produced. YT series units and Advance series machine models were created. 2005 – It was the first time that an international exhibition was held with EMO HANNOVER. The programmable hydraulic transfer machine Expention and the single and two axis CNC transfer machine Advance were introduced at the fair. 2006 – Production facility was established in Istanbul Industrial and Commercial Free Zone. Production of hydraulic transfer machine was stopped and only high technology CNC Transfer Machine started to be produced. 2007 – Our first 3 axis machining center unit was added among our products. MT series unit family was created. With MT series units, our machines have gained the ability to process steel and aluminum alloy automotive parts. 2009 – The first export to Russia was made. 2010 – Fatih Kestek has been appointed as the General Manager of the company due to his contribution to the growth and development of the company. 2011 – Our Magazine Bar Drivers have been developed. Our Bar models have been added to our product family. Thus, the parts processed from the bar were included among the parts that our machines can process. Our presence in Russia was strengthened with METALLOOBRABOTKA fair. 2012 – 4 and 5 axis angle adjustable units were developed. MAC series units were developed in addition to MT series units. High-speed spindles and direct drive technologies were used in the MAC series units. CNC Transfer Machine that can work in total 40 Axis Interpolated was completed within the scope of TÜBİTAK-1507 R&D project. 2015 – F1 series machine and unit family was created. The first 55-axis transfer machine production, in which 3-axis 18 units are interpolated, was produced. The second TÜBİTAK 1507 R&D project with Double Rod Drive CNC Transfer Machine has been completed. 2016 – KesTech Machinery was founded in Chicago-United States. Sales office, service and assembly unit was created. 2017 – The third TÜBİTAK 1507 R&D project was realized with CNC Transfer Machine with Integrated Measurement Control and Robotic Array Unit. 2018 – Thanks to successful R&D Projects, KesTech Innovation became the first and only company operating in TÜBİTAK-MAM Technology Free Zone with an R&D and Production license issued by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Trade. Eco, Pro and Micron series units and machine models have been developed. With our fifth generation unit family, it can be processed in parts with a precision of 0.01 mm (10 micron). 2019 – Lock Line Production The fourth TÜBİTAK 1507 R&D project was realized. 2020 – Kestech Innovation participated in the Robotic Automation UR-GE project carried out by Kocaeli Chamber of Industry.
2021 – The 5th TUBITAK 1507 R&D Project on a CNC Rotary Transfer Machine which is able to perform simultaneously a machining operation in 6 different sides of a workpiece has been accepted by TUBITAK. TUBITAK 1707 Order-Based R&D Project on interpolation machining within 0,005 mm (5 micron) tolerance in a CNC Rotary Transfer Machine has been accepted by TUBITAK. The Corporate Sales and Technical Service networks have been established in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
2022 – Other countries, especially France, Spain, Mexico, India and Egypt, have been added to our global sales and service network. We are able to respond to the demands of our customers in 14 countries within 24 hours. Our 6th TUBITAK1507 R&D project for integration of workpiece rotation to perform turning operations in rotary transfer machines was accepted.